About Us

Womanade at The Pinehills

Womanade at The Pinehills invites all women residing in our community to join us in our philanthropic mission to provide short-term financial assistance to families who find themselves in an emergency situation. Our members gather at bi-monthly meetings for fellowship and program (speaker, musician, artist, etc) and are asked to make a voluntary contribution to Womanade – this is not an “admission price” to our meetings. Many of our members choose to make their donation annually, some using their Charitable Gifts Accounts. Any member making a donation or donations totaling one hundred dollars or more by check will receive a letter of acknowledgement at the end of the year for tax purposes.

The hands-on work of Womanade is carried out by a Board of Directors, consisting of not more than 20 women, divided into committees with specific responsibilities. A Board member serves a three year term of office. The make-up of the current Board of Directors is as follows:

  • Chair: Carolyn McCoy

  • Treasurer: Linda Wolff

  • Asst. Treasurer: Nancy Guerland

  • Secretary: Ervene Pellegrini

  • Communications:  Marcia Martinson, Alexandra Paul-Simon, Maureen Chew

  • Programs: Susan Grassie, Jo-Anne Gretemeyer,

    Karen Baker

  • Outreach: Patricia Brylinsky, Susan Landers, Alison Davies, Audrey Loria

  • Hospitality: Sue Pond, Jan Root, Sue Kamm

  • At-Large: Julie Day

  • At-Large:

Anyone interested in serving on the Board of Directors is encouraged to reach out to the Chair to discuss upcoming openings.

Womanade at The Pinehills 

Providing financial assistance for families in the
Plymouth Public Schools